Incidence of confinement due to COVID-19 on people's perception of their physical exercise habits
Physical exercise, Confinement, COVID-19, Perception, Health habits, Non profesional playersAbstract
The COVID-19 emergency forced the confinement of the population all over the world, generating health effects and changes in physical exercise habits. The article shows a research whose objective is to know the perception of people about their physical exercise habits in the face of the reality of the confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a qualitative research, descriptive and interpretative in scope, basic, for which an open interview was designed for a sample of 8 subjects selected for performing regular physical exercise before confinement and being in a situation of strict confinement. The results show a lack of socialization, motivation to exercise at home, insufficient expectations and no excessively harmful habits. The main conclusions point out the variability of the experiences of confinement and the practice of physical exercise in relation to the personal characteristics of the subjects and the importance of knowledge about the practice of physical exercise to adapt the activity to the particular personal needs.
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