Professional role during Nursing Care for the postpartum woman with a risk approach




Nursing care, postpartum period, risk


Introduction: The postpartum period is a stage in a woman's life in which the risks of developing complications are high, and where nursing plays a leading role. However, in the context where the research is being carried out, no research has been identified related to a characterization of the professional role during nursing care in the postpartum period with a risk approach.
Objective: To characterize the professional role during nursing care for postpartum women with a risk focus at the Tobati District Hospital, 2024.
Methods: Non-experimental research, descriptive in scope with a quantitative approach. The survey was used as an empirical method validated in the study. Universe comprised 28 nursing professionals, from which a sample of 24 professionals was obtained through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling by criteria that represent 85.7% of the universe. The ethical principles of the research were taken into account, the subjects investigated accepted their voluntary participation and were informed of the possibility of abandoning the study when they considered it.
Results: The knowledge dimension, physical and emotional changes, human needs reach a weighted index of 4.31, 4.04, 4.19 respectively, which favors an assessment of the professional role during Nursing Care for the postpartum woman with a risk approach as appropriate.
Conclusions: The results reveal that the professional role during Nursing care with a risk approach reaches an adequate value, when considering the dimensions identified in the operationalization process of the variable


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How to Cite

Britez Britez OI, Santander EB, Saavedra MO, Rojas Ruiz GC, Espinosa Aguilar A. Professional role during Nursing Care for the postpartum woman with a risk approach. AG Salud [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 16];3:213. Available from: